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Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play.

Wembley High is committed to providing an environment in which every child feels safe and can reach their full potential. We do this through having robust systems in place to follow up on all incidents, always remaining vigilant and taking the approach "it does happen here".  

If you are a pupil at the school and are concerned about something (no matter how small) or if you have any concerns about another pupil at the school, you can contact a member of the safeguarding team. 

Alternatively, you can come and see us in person at school or you can complete the form below. Please ensure you put your name and contacts details if you would like us to respond to you. 

If anyone is in immediate danger, please ensure you call 999.

For details on the Safeguarding Team at WHTC, click here

WHTC Safeguarding Team Tel:

Mr Kenny – 07943 077 246

Ms Brooker – 07943 076 935


Reporting Concerns

Reporting Concerns
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